(Tap, tap, tap. Is this thing still on? Hello? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?)
It has been quite a while since I last posted. Really, I have no excuses, unless you would like to consider both kiddos in cross country, the Oldest Kiddo simultaneously in flag football, working everyday and just all around general fatigue that makes taking and editing photos seem more like a chore than a joy to share, haha!!
I'm really not complaining. I'm enjoying every minute that I can of the Oldest Kiddo's last year in high school. I've just put blogging in the freezer for a while!!
A couple of weekends ago was the annual fall fair. This year, the Youngest Kiddo's teacher made a friendly wager with another classroom mom that her class would win the "Best Fall Fair Booth".
Ha! No pressure to come up with an awesome design. The teacher kept saying it was all in fun and she didn't care what the out come was.
Did I mention that this teacher has also coached for many years and EVERYONE knows she is competitive, lol?!!
I was recruited to help determine the booth's theme. This year's theme was Route 66 The internet and Pinterest gave lots of inspiration. We decided to base our booths on this old gas station.
We placed both our booths side by side and made a false front with large sheets of cardboard. Two old window frames were wired onto each side of the "door" (basically, a screen door leaning against the front of the facade).
I painted two large gas tanks to go in front of the gas station. These were about 6x2'. I snapped a few photos of the creative process: All these photos were taken with my phone. I don't know why I never actually grabbed my camera. Too lazy, I suppose!! LOL! So. less than stellar photos ahead. Bad, bad blogger. I was also too lazy to transport the pictures and do some basic editing. BAD, BAD, BLOGGER. On the other hand, I did take photos that I am sharing, and figured you'd rather actually have me post sooner than later, lol. YAY me!! One or two points in my favor!

It has been quite a while since I last posted. Really, I have no excuses, unless you would like to consider both kiddos in cross country, the Oldest Kiddo simultaneously in flag football, working everyday and just all around general fatigue that makes taking and editing photos seem more like a chore than a joy to share, haha!!
I'm really not complaining. I'm enjoying every minute that I can of the Oldest Kiddo's last year in high school. I've just put blogging in the freezer for a while!!
A couple of weekends ago was the annual fall fair. This year, the Youngest Kiddo's teacher made a friendly wager with another classroom mom that her class would win the "Best Fall Fair Booth".
Ha! No pressure to come up with an awesome design. The teacher kept saying it was all in fun and she didn't care what the out come was.
Did I mention that this teacher has also coached for many years and EVERYONE knows she is competitive, lol?!!
I was recruited to help determine the booth's theme. This year's theme was Route 66 The internet and Pinterest gave lots of inspiration. We decided to base our booths on this old gas station.
We placed both our booths side by side and made a false front with large sheets of cardboard. Two old window frames were wired onto each side of the "door" (basically, a screen door leaning against the front of the facade).
I painted two large gas tanks to go in front of the gas station. These were about 6x2'. I snapped a few photos of the creative process: All these photos were taken with my phone. I don't know why I never actually grabbed my camera. Too lazy, I suppose!! LOL! So. less than stellar photos ahead. Bad, bad blogger. I was also too lazy to transport the pictures and do some basic editing. BAD, BAD, BLOGGER. On the other hand, I did take photos that I am sharing, and figured you'd rather actually have me post sooner than later, lol. YAY me!! One or two points in my favor!
Youngest Kiddo giving the thumbs up for the job finally completed
This picture shows a bit of the "windows" that we used for taking orders. Anyone for an ice cold root beer, churro, pretzel or shaved ice?!
The facade door can be seen in this shot. The roof tarp and name of the gas station can also be seen in this photo. After the initial set up on Saturday night, I decided that the pumps need that last final touch of the actual pump handle. I think these little details really added to the completeness of this booth. We also swapped out that little gas can for a larger one.
Notice the Mobilgas horse and the Coco-cola bottle on the front of the booth? Those were done by one of the girls in the Youngest Kiddo's class. I informed K that she is going to do help out more with the painting embellishments in the future!! She did an AWESOME job!!
The Toad got into the spirit of things and was willing to don a pair of borrowed overalls, sit on the bench with his oil rag and a bottle of root beer, playing the part of "Willard " (the namesake of the "gas station" )
And yes, we won the contest. An extra $50 from the Home and School were added to the classroom coffers.
Next up, the Youngest Kiddo outshines both his parents with his photography skills. Stay tuned!!